Mito del Che
Let me introduce Carlos ‘Carica’ Ferrer. He was a childhood friend of Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara, and travelled with him on his second (which was also his last trip through South America). The two split up while travelling in Ecuador. Che headed north to Guatemala and eventually met Fidel in Mexico. The rest is history.
But back to Carica. He’s incredible. I first contacted him by phone Monday night at 6 PM (he doesn’t speak English by the way, so that was a bit of a challenge). The next thing you know, he allowed us to interview him at 3 PM the next day in his house. He showed us photos when he and Che were kids, showed us photos of him and Fidel and Hugo Chavez at the Che Guevara Museum in Alta Gracia, Argentina, and he showed us magazine articles of him and Benicio del Toro who will be playing Che Guevara in the upcoming Steven Soderbergh movie ‘Guerilla’. But enough name dropping. He was a genuinely warm guy who allowed us to interview him on camera at a park nearby. He had so much knowledge to share, gave so much of his time and asked for nothing in return. By the way, he does have a book out called ‘De Ernesto al Che’. It’s only in Spanish, but it should be coming out soon in English. Check it out if you get a chance.
Thank you Carica for your time. Here’s a photo of the two of us at the park after the interview. Also check out Morgan’s last blog for production shots of this piece.

We’re also submitting the films we’re making to an outside outlet which requires consent release forms. It’s interesting that the wordings in the Spanish versions are slightly different than the English ones. In fact they’re more risky and restricting, and ridiculous for the third party being filmed. With that being said, here are some thought bubbles that transpired after the interview, and before the last photo. Enjoy.

....from a distance,Dónde está Ché Pelotas?
it's amazing that the camera's pick up the word bubbles on film.
Dear Interested Viewer at Home,
Thank you for writing in. To answer your question, first I must mention that your Spanglish is quite good. For example, “however you spell ir” translates to “however you spell to go”. At first I was confused, but then I spoke to a friend who spoke Spanglinese who was able to translate for me. After that, then I was able to “get the point”. Contrary to viewer opinion, Global Transmission (one ‘s’ by the way) is not cheap. To clarify, as you might say in your “ ‘hood”, “we is po’”, or you might say “we be broke”, or “we iz dun broke”. But we are not cheap. Carica Ferrer acted on his own motives, and chose to be interviewed after I spoke with him on the phone (I spoke to him in Spanish, not to be confused with Spanglish or Spanglinese). In the past, we’ve taken people out to dinner, bought them drinks, or similar gratuities to show our appreciation. For example last night, after we finished shooting the “Donde Esta Che Pelotas” scene (see blog above) with the Pelotas’ Girls, we served them food, and even gave them money for a cab ride. I for one would rather have had them stay over, but that is an entirely different subject altogether.
So to answer your question: "there is such thing as a free lunch motto" or is global transmissions just cheap?
The answer is “no”. But just out of pure curiosity, did you mean to say “there is no such thing as a free lunch”. Because if so, then to re-clarify, we’ve never had our interviewees work on free lunches. Only free dinners.
With that being said, thank you for writing in. Viewer sponsorship is what makes Global Transmission possible.
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