Tremendous Weekend - Recording, Futbal and Jazz
I'm not feeling very creative or feel like doing too much fact checking at the moment as I have one of the worst colds I have ever had. Never believe anyone with a cold who tells you the 101 proof whiskey that you are sharing with them from the bottle will kill any germs they have. Ain't true.
But it was a stellar weekend. Started Friday night with a recording session with Roma's graffiti crew. Here is Roma toasting into the mic as Alex works the Pro Tools.

Mateo steps in and lays down a few tracks.

Wadaky then spit some freestyle.

Sunday found Andrew and I in the cheap seats at the Boca Jr. futbal match. Great fun. Kate, a friend of ours at the Buenos Aires English language newspaper The Argentimes hooked us up with the tickets. I stayed relatively high in the concrete bleachers to avoid the sun. Soon found out I also avoided the spit that came from the top tire. Oh, and a bladder full of urine at the end of the match. Pretty rowdy.
Met some great folk that day - a guy from Sweden down here working, two women from the Vancouver area (that's in Canada for you North Americans scratching your heads), and Jenni, a music producer from New York City. We had a really good time with you all.

Ended all with some great freestyle jazz at Del Tempo Cafe-Bar at Estados Unidos 523, just around the corner from our apartment. My cold had kicked in pretty well by this point (thanks for the cold medicine Nicolás).

Yes of course there's an opening. There are lots of them. Currently we're looking for all or one of the following:
- Finance Director/Provider
- Patrons (financing type, time donating types is unnecessary and unwelcome)
- Sugar Mama (currently have an opening for 4 positions)
- Arbitrator (we accept bribes)
We are EOE. Please send only serious inquiries with a SASE to Global Transmission. Please include your resume and CV, as well as photos or video of yourself that would best describe your importance as part (or full owner depending on your finances) of the Global Transmission mega-conglomerate.
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