Argentine Ice Cream

Ya see, Ren and Alex had a pretty serious ice cream habit (Alex still does as you can see from his face). They needed a fix a day, minimum. We came close to intervention.
Nonna Bianca is the ice cream place a block and a half from our house. I have had gelato in both mainland Italy and in Sicily, supposedly the best ice cream in the world, and this ice cream easily competes. This was the first time I tried the frozen goodness and I was truly impressed.
I was also impress by a sign they had, one I have not seen in the last 33 days. "Here no smoking, thank you."

Many were smoking at Peña Cordones in Palermo. A Peña is a bar where various groups of people burst out in traditional song called folklórica, centered around a guitar player or two. Others around the bar join in on the singing and clapping. When one group finishes, another starts up, seemingly trying to be louder and rowdier than the previous. It gets crazy. Alex was a good boy and went home around 2:30am so he could get a couple of hours sleep for his last day of language school. Andrew and I were not so good. But I would say it was the fault of the six young women we shared a table with. Not taking responsibility; good Americans. We had a great time Ceci, happy birthday.
oh helado, mi amor.
how i miss you so.
your soft and creamy wonderfulness that you have. your smooth and sensual taste.
i will be back for you some day. all your creamy dulce de leche goodness and your tramontana crunch. don't fret love, one day we'll be back together in heavenly bliss.
i eat ice cream for its health benefits. when in argentina, it's all i ate and didn't gain a lick. i'm still flaco and there's nothing any camera angles can do to take that away. tell jenny craig to stick that in her pipe and smoke it.
don't hate me because i'm beautiful.
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