Not All Girls and Guns

Before you think we here at Global Transmission are all about girls, guns and good times, here are a few production stills from a shoot we did saturday in our apartment. It's a tango sceen staring Alex Theodoropulos as Che Pelotas, international spy and playboy and Sabrina Hinojosa as his dance partner. Local tango expert Mauro Holzmann was Alex's double for the dance shots. Ren directed, Andrew was on camera, Mateo was gaffing (working on the lights) and I was doing sound.
On the documentary front, Alex and Ren are out shooting interviews for a piece on Che Guevera and Andrew and I are heading out to buy power surge protectors after we blew a Mac power supply yesterday. At least the laptop is okay.
um, it's alex THEODOROPULOS.
wow, looks like things are kicking ass out there!
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