Survived the first day of class. Two teachers, four hours, got into conjugating verbs in the first hour. Serious. Alex, Andrew and I shared a room with a 24 year old German student, a guy from LA who is studying Spanish as part of his medical degree and a motorcycle bloke from Finland who is riding around South America for four months once his bike arrives in five days. Our first teacher was a near perfect woman by M.S. Paar standards. Beautiful without make-up, confident, smart, humble yet suave, slender but with curves, freckles. She keep us moving quickly. I think we covered all the material from my 101 undergrad class in two hours. Our second instructor used the conversation method which was a great follow-up from the intense academic lesson. We then heard how fast this language is really spoken. We spoke politics, movies and food. Good stuff.
Walked miles looking for Chinese paper lanterns after lunch, and after Andrew threw up on the Supte (subway) after eating some questionable pizza and empanadas (inexpensive and extremely tasty pastry filled lunch items). Andrew took a taxi home, without puking, and I finally found the lanterns that we will use on a shoot tomorrow. nice.
[you know you can click on photos to see a larger image]
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