Friday, December 26, 2008

More 20,000 Year Old Art

One day Ben, one day

South African Journal: Day Sixteen – Today is Boxing Day in Great Britain and in her former colonies. Has nothing to do with the sport boxing or putting items in a box. It has something to do with St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, who was stoned to death in Jerusalem around A.D. 34-35, but few Christians can remember what the celebration is all about. To most of the consumer world... I mean Christian world, this is a day to shop, with huge discounts. In South Africa, it has been changed to Day of Goodwill, a day to give gifts to the less fortunate members of society.
Thea & Meg fire-up the cycles

Rode the motorcycles again today to see some more 20-40,000 year old art carved into stone and another stone gong.

20,000 year old ostrich, gemsbok and lion

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At 11:17 AM, Blogger Kim Carney said...

that is impressive! wish I could see that in person


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