A staff member(s) at Current TV has picked our most recent documentary as 'Staff Pick.'

We usually sell our docs straight to the channel but the two producers we work with were not interested in commissioning this one (buying it). Seems someone else at Current TV is interested in it.
Most contributors upload their video to the website where the Current community votes on the documentaries. If the video is not up to par (no pun intended; ok, maybe), the community suggests changes. The video with the highest score on Monday 5pm and Thursday 5pm wins the competition and is most likely aired on the network.
Check out the video
If you have time to become a member of Current TV, go to the doc and click the Green Light button and you can help us get this on television to be piped out to 50 million households in the US and UK. It will take just 5 minutes or so. You will not get spammed. No credit card required.
For some reason, the credits for those who worked on the documentary were taken out. Andrew and I are working to fix this. Until then, here are the people who made this possible:
ProducersMorgan Paar
Andrew Burke
EditorAndrew Burke
MusicAlex Theodoropulos
Andy Ristaino
Morgan Paar
CinematographyAndrew Burke
Morgan Paar
AnimationAndy Ristaino
Special ThanksAndy Ristaino
Maris Wicks
Shannon O'Leary
Mark Ristaino
Zachary Brown
Thomas Cutler
Slave Labor Graphics
Alternative Press Expo
Mongolian Death Cloud