Month 7
I'm in the midst of my 16 month round the world trip. If you want to read about my first 6 months in south america(and see pretty little pictures), go HERE
I'm currently in the exotic lands of the indigenous Southern California Subarbanite tribe. Here is a photo of their dwellings, and as you can see, the leader of the tribe has the most distinguished, distinctive dwelling.

I'm documenting their movements, their hunter-gatherer-consumer lifestyle, and their exotic means of transportation, the large dinosaur-esque, sport-utility-vehicle, or SUV for short.

Their marketplaces are these things called "strip malls", and they are some of the most colorful, if not a tad-bit sterile places, I've ever seen.

The people are very exotic looking. Fascinating daily lifestyles, and the greenest, most cholorophyl bright looking vegetation. Not sure how it gets so green since it never rains here, but they seem to like to ride on the vegetation a lot.

Anyway, I've got another week and a half travelling here and looking forward to visiting more strip malls, and libraries. Then I head to Colombia for a month before meeting the rest of the glob trans crew down in Buenos Aires for my Peronistic triumphant return. I'm actually looking forward to both places, since the high level of exoticness here can get to be a bit alienating. chau chau.