Talking Turkey
I’m going through a sort of reverse culture shock here in Turkey. No longer do I see cows and motorbikes in the streets, but large European cars and clean non-polluted cobblestone paving. I’ve traded in my shorts and flip-flops worn in humid south India, for warmer clothing and a sweater courtesy of Andy Ristaino (which he will never get back). After 7 months in Southeast Asia and India, I’m finding myself adjusting to a place without chaos. Istanbul is very European in feel, only with mosques instead of churches.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the beautiful Blue Mosque

The most popular man in Istanbul, moustache man Andy Ristaino. Here with his friends Mustafa and Mustafa whirly dervishing his moustache.

An Easter Entry for Mom
My mom always sends emails that end with statements such as ‘love and prayers’ or, ‘I pray for you everyday’, etc., etc. With this being Easter, I’m sure she’s been on a 24 hour prayer watch. Well mom, your prayers have been answered.
In a country that is about 95-98% Muslim, we’ve managed to find lodging in a Catholic Monastery, the Sancta Maria, here in the Black Sea coastal town of Trabzon. It’s incredibly clean, with new private rooms and baths, full use of a brand new kitchen, and the cost is a donation that you feel is adequate (so you should pay more if you want to go to heaven first-class). They had an Easter service that I almost went to for nostalgia sake. But similar to eating street food slowly when entering a new third world country, I didn’t want to push myself too hard and shock my system with religious overdose. However, we did have to walk through the church to get to our rooms, so technically mom, I did go to church on Easter.
.......and, I made sure to definitely not miss the easter feast after mass.

If ye hath faith, ye shall find salvation through the words of our saviour, Dónde está Ché Pelotas?
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