Morgan got Shanghai-ed
The rumors are true. I am in Shanghai.
I couldn't stand reading about the Ristaino brothers and Ren having some much fun in Turkey while I sat in the USA. My good friend Mark Montgomery up in Chico lent me his Canon XL2 video camera and my close friend Cortney Smith assisted in getting me across the Pacific and is letting me stay at his apartment in the city.

I plan to be here two and a half months, returning just in time for my cousin Greg's wedding. We'll see how many docs I can shoot for while I'm here.
再見, Morgan
ps. the photos used in the blog were used without permission
a legendary escape. Last time I saw Morgan, he had $25 to his name.
That was 2 weeks ago.
hey that was my 25 dollars!
no, that's my 25 dollars!
does anyone have about 25 bucks that i could borrow?
I've got about $8.25 I can lend you that I got from Alex and Andy (and from change I found on Mark's floor).
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