A Trip to an Argentine Supermarket
I think the pictures tell it all. Sorry for the blurry ones, I was not using a flash. The last one is really bad as I was startled by someone who worked there asking, I think, what I was doing. She was kind and joking but it made me shake. Then (I think) she asked me why I was taking a picture of Tkch. Seemed to make perfect sense to me and absolutely no sense to her. I asked her what "Tkch" meant in my best Spanish and she told me it meant, "Tkch." Fair enough. Good 'lost in translation' moment. She let me go, with a smile, without call security.

p.s. I am not mocking the Argentines with these photos, just observing and transmitting. We have equally crazy items in our land. Jennifer, my managing editor at Videomaker magazine told me that her Mexican friends laugh whenever they see a "I [heart] Chico" bumper sticker because, though this means "I love Chico," a reference to the town I use to live in in Northern California, to English speakers, to a Spanish speaking person this means, "I love little boys."
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