Lots of Ash in Córdoba & Banned in China
Nice, just found out from Ren Jose, GTM member scouting future projects in South East Asia, that the Global Transmission Website is censored in Guilin, China. You know you are making a difference in the world if the "central land," as the Chinese call themselves, censors you.
We are hiding out in Córdoba, central Argentina, editing the four projects we shot in Buenos Aires. I am logging the Dog Walker piece and Andrew, who is finally feeling better after being down for three days with a nasty flu, is converting the Factory footage from HiDef to standard definition DV files for the edit.
Putting in exhausting 10 and 12 hour days. There are forest fires about 40 km away from this city and ash is falling all around us, covering our computers as we edit on the outside deck. I am using the camera lens blower to keep the ash off of my keyboard.
Here is a frame from the dog walking doc of Charlie, a British journalist in Buenos Aires. He apprenticed with seven year veteran dog-walker Fabricio for a week in order to write an article about dog walking for the Argentimes.

I want to thank our regular readers. I have been getting many emails from family and friends regarding our blog. I put a good amount of time into the blog because it makes me feel connected to those who care to be connected to us. Thanks for the feedback, both on the blog and via email.
La Viidddaaa Eterrrnnnnnaaa!
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